My name is Richann, I am 33 and live in the Denver area. I have lived here my entire life and although I never know where the Lord will lead me next, this will always be home to me.
First and foremost, I am a follower of Christ. While I will never claim to be the "perfect" Christian, I do my best to live the life I believe He wants me to live.
I love kids and can't wait to have kids of my own someday. While I am patiently (okay maybe not so patiently, but I'm trying) waiting for that day, I am surrounded in my life with kids who mean the world to me. First, there's my little cousin, L, she's 5 and I love her to pieces. She can be a little goofy but then, so can I.

Then there are my best friends kids C & J, who call me Aunt Richann (which is great since I am an only child, and don't have nieces and nephews otherwise). It's rough because they live in NE Ohio and I don't get to see them as much as I would like to. But I get out there to see them as much as possible. Last summer when I was out there we took the trek up to Niagara Falls which was great!

The good thing about them living so far away, is that I LOVE to travel, and while NE Ohio isn't very adventurous, it's something different and we always find some fun adventure to go on together. Obviously, since I say I LOVE to travel, you would hope that I have been someplace other than NE Ohio, of course... I have traveled to different places across the US, as well as the Caribbean, Mexico, Ireland, Guam, Hawaii (I know this is the US but it is one of my FAVORITE places to go) and the list of places I want to go, just keeps on growing. I am currently planning my trip to London at the end of May, I am super excited about this trip as a friend has actually decided to join me. I usually do a lot of my traveling alone but it is nice to have someone join you too. Here are a few pics from some of my recent trips.
When I am not traveling or working ot spending time with my cousin, I like to read, spend time with family and I love Football, specifically the Denver Broncos. I spend my Sundays afternoons watching football games and truly enjoy it. Maybe I can even meet a guy who can handle that trait of mine... ;0)
So there you go. A little about myself. If you want to connect or know of someone who may be a good match for me, leave a comment.