-My final payment for my trip to Ireland is due in a couple weeks.
-I need to start making purchases for the trip.
-Reference above, I started those purchases today...I got a new rain jacket...

and a new pair walking shoes...

-I need to figure out if I need any new clothes to take with me.
-I want to pack as light as possible so I want to do a practice run with the packing. Maybe next weekend.
-I made final plans for my birthday trip. I am going to California, to spend my 30th birthday with Mickey Mouse and friends.
-Libby is going to be a big sister... That is an entire post in and of itself.
-My dog poisoned herself, eating 2 entire boxes of dCon, rat poison last Saturday night. We made an emergency trip to the vet and she will probably be okay. We'll know more in a couple weeks but for now she is doing well.
I think that is all for now. I will leave you now with a couple pictures from the trip to Glenwood Springs with Libby.