Monday, August 07, 2006

Visit From the Past

When I was a little kid we had a dear family friend who was here from Africa going to college. He had come to our church for worship and fellowship and that is how we met him. He lived here for a few years and he was a true part of our family. When he was finished with school, he returned home to Zaire (now known as the Congo). He eventually moved his family to South Africa. That was 25 years ago. He is still living in South Africa and we have seen him twice in the last 12 years. He was here in 1994 and he was here on Friday night.

It was great to see him and to talk to him. At the end of the night, we were saying our goodbyes and he invited me to come visit in South Africa sometime. I am actually very excited about the idea. It would be neat to travel to a different country and know someone who lives there. So for now, I am dreaming of traveling to South Africa....

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