The place where my life in the real world collides with my dreams.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Pioneer Woman Rocks
Confessions of a Pioneer Woman
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I am Truly Blessed
One thing totally off topic... Recently we redid my bathroom and I am so incredibly happy with the outcome that I want to share it with everyone.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Simon sure liked him...
I am not one who would ever say I enjoy opera but Oh. My. Goodness. This guy gave me goosebumps and made me cry. I am an emotional person but I don't think music has ever touched me the way this did.
Monday, October 29, 2007
I Now Need a Vacation From my Vacation...
Judah and Me (Chloe took this picture of us)

Chloe and Me (It's a self portrait)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I Need a Vacation....
Like I said... I Need a Vacation.....
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Then there's Libby (for those of you who don't know, Libby is my cousins little girl but I adore her and spoil her like she is my own)... they had a custody hearing a couple weeks ago. J gets visitation on Mondays and on Saturday afternoons as long as arrangements are made ahead of time. I have not talked to my aunt about how things went last Monday and he should have her again tomorrow. I will try to get in touch with my aunt this week. I can't believe that she is going to be 7 months old on Saturday! WOW!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Isn't she lovely, isn't she beautiful...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
First dips...
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
You Go Girl!!!

Anyone who may know me, knows that I am not one to usually step up and voice my opinion. I have always been one to just sit back and let my actions speak for me. I don't know how it works but, it seems to work for me. Most people I meet know where I stand on certain things and I have never spoken up about it... they just know. But I just have to say... I LOVE Elisabeth Hasselbeck. I love that in a line of work where the conservative and religious stances that she takes are very unpopular, she sticks with it and has no shame. She should be an example for other Christians out there to stand up and speak out for what they believe. YOU GO GIRL!!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
I'm Off... Again
Thursday, June 28, 2007
New Hairdo...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Family and Loss

Wow, it is only Tuesday and this has been a really rough week. It actually started on Friday. I am not going to go into details but there are some things happening with my cousin that are not good. Pray that she either starts making the right decisions in her life so that she can give Libby a good home or she steps away and lets someone else take care of her as their own. That little girl is at an age where she needs a consistent caregiver. My aunt and uncle have been taking care of her for the most part lately. A is hardly ever home and even when she is, she is not the one caring for the baby. My aunt and uncle should not have to raise their grandchild, they should be able to be grandma and grandpa. It is a tough situation that needs a lot of prayer. Libby is a wonderful child who deserves to be raised in a home full of love and care and A does not seem to understand this. Prayer is the only answer to this and having to be patient for these prayers to be answered is really tough.

On Sunday we headed up to my Aunt Linda and Uncle Gary's. They live up in the mountains and we had a mini family reunion. My Uncle Bob was in town from upstate New York and he brought along with him his new girlfriend Fay. We were all there and it was great to see everyone together again. My Uncle Bob just recently (within the last year) split from his ex-wife and we learned a few things about that. We had not seen my uncle in 4 years, which was not unusual as they never came out to visit very often. Turns out that it was mostly becuase his wife didn't like to fly and they would either have to drive or take the train both of which made for a very long trip down here. Anyway, he was here with Fay this last week and we will probably get to see him a lot more often now, possibly even every year. Fay said she would push him on the plane out here. I think I am really going to like her. :) It was a great visit, we sat out on the deck, had lunch, visited and just really caught up with everything happening in eachothers lives. Last night we got to meet up for dinner and a final goodbye before they head back to NY tomorrow. I talked to my uncle and I am probably going get to visit them next spring and I am really excited about it.

On Monday morning, we got some very sad news at work. One of our long time and well respected Lt's passed away after a long and courageous battle with cancer. He will be missed by all. Funeral services are on Thursday afternoon and it will be big. He was known nationwide for his work in law enforcement. It has been a sober couple days around here.
I will try to get some pictures posted tonight.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Isn't She Beautiful

Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The Big Island
We stopped at this hot spring where there is swimming. It was really neat and reminded me in a way of Glenwood Springs. It's not as fancy with the big swimming pool and everything. But there water is heated because it flows right next to the molten lava, the water is about 90 degrees. It think it is really neat how the pool and the ocean just flow together.
Our next stop was MacKenzie State Recreation Area. It was really pretty. I could spend hours there. It is right on the coast and you are at the top of these beautiful lava cliffs, with the waves crashing below. There are no rails so you are able to see it pretty close (at least as close as you feel comfortable). I was maybe a foot and a half from the edge.. it was amazing.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Back to Hawai'i
Alright, where was I? Oh, yes... Kaua'i day 2... My favorite day on that island. I went tubing...The company that did the excursion was Kaua'i Backcountry Adventure. It was so much fun. You tube down these old irrigation ditches that were hand dug in the late 1800's. The 5 tunnels you go through are also dug by hand (no explosives). The ditches bring the water down from Mt. Wai'ale'ale, to the sugar cane fields. It was fun, and I would love to do it again.

Here I am decked out in my stylish helmet complete with flashlight.

One of our guides could have easily been my cousin C's long lost brother. He looked like him and also had the as sense of humor as him. I have to share this with you... The Hawaiian word for appetizer is pupu, the word for beef is pipi, and the word for chicken is moa. So you can have a pipi pupu, and then moa pupu. I am seriously wondering if there is some relation there, it's scary... Here is a picture of him... (he's the one on sitting up on the beam).

After we got out of the water, we went to a little picnic area where we had a snack and there was a little swimming hole we could get in if we wanted to. It was pretty.

We sailed out of Kaua'i early that afternoon. We sailed past the Napali coast (the north shore of Kaua'i). It is absolutely gorgeous.
While we were sailing along the coast, they told us to keep an eye out for whales as they had spotted a couple out ahead of us. (I was there right at the end of the migration period for the humpback whales). Unfortunately, I did not spot any, but I hope to go over there again so I could see some.
Well, that is all for Kaua'i. I will continue with it soon (possibly tomorrow)... Next stop, Hilo on the Big Island of Hawai'i.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
A Quick Detour ...
Also, please pray for my grandfather. We just found out that he has bladder cancer, and according to what my parents told me, it is aggressive. Pray that the treatments the doctors have put together will work, that God will work a miracle. It seems as though I have a lot of people in my life lately who are dying or getting sick. We tragically lost our children's ministry director at our church to a massive heart attack, 2 coworkers are very ill with cancer (neither are doing well at all and I would not be surprised if they did not make it through the year), my grandfather on my mom's side (actually my mom's step-dad) has cancer and I am not sure how he has been doing, but the last I heard, it was not good. I am almost afraid to ask. And now my dad's dad... this is the hardest one of all. I have been very lucky that I still have all my grandparents. And now I have 2, who are very ill.
So pray for these things. Hopefully I can continue my revisit to my vacation either this weekend or early next week. I will probably be helping my cousin pack up and move out of her apartment for at least part of the weekend.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Kaua'i Day 1 April 30th
Our first stop was on the island of Kaua'i, the Garden Isle. It is the oldest of the Hawaiian islands and has no live volcano on it. The wettest spot in the world is here on the island, on Mt. Wai'ale'ale, this stop receives between 450 and 500 inches of rain a year.

We were lucky enough to spend about 2 days on the island.
The first day, I took a trip to Waimea Canyon. It is called the Grand Canyon of the Pacific. It does resemble the Grand Canyon but it's not as big. It was really pretty though.
On our way back from the canyon, we stopped at the shore where there were some blowholes, where the sea is pushed up through lava tubes. It really is pretty.
We spotted a sea turtle popping his head up in the surf, but I didn't get any pictures of him. At the spot with blowholes, I was able to get a picture that shows you how many chickens run wild on the island. When Hurricaine Iniki came through the islands in 1992, it destroyed a chicken farm on Kaua'i releasing the chickens which have run wild since.
We made a couple other stops along the way, and then back to the ship. Ready for day 2 in Kaua'i.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Honolulu April 28th and 29th
I took my time getting ready and then headed out to Pearl Harbor. At the USS Arizona memorial, they had a small museum and gift shop. You then go in and see a short film about the history of Pearl Harbor and the attack on December 7th. Then you take the shuttle boat out to the memorial. It is really pretty and calm out there, even with all the people.
I then headed off to the ship to set sail for the rest of the islands. They had a sailing away party with Hula dancers and music and also leis and a barbecue on the pool deck.
We said Aloha to Honolulu about 8:00 and headed off for Kaua'i. Stay tuned...
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
I Made it Home...
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Aloha, Colorado! Aloha, Hawaii!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
It's Getting Closer
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Something to try
Go to Google.
Click on maps
Click on Get Directions
From New York, New York
To Paris, France
Read line 23....
I saw this and I had to see what it said.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Happy Happy Easter (a Little Late)
Monday, April 02, 2007
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Pray for little Brea
Thursday, March 29, 2007
You have GOT to be kidding me!!!!

I was laying in bed this morning trying to wake up and hear the weatherman say that there is 6-7 inches of snow on the ground and I literally said... "Seven inches, are you kidding me!?"
Actually this isn't all that abnormal for March here. March is actually on average our snowiest month of the year and so far this March, we had only had 2 inches of snow on the ground (average is a little over 11 inches) which actually fell the night of Feb 28. So we technically had not had any snow this month. Here we are the end of the month... and I thought maybe we got lucky this year. Yeah right. It is supposed to be snowy/rainy through tomorrow. Not looking forward to having to brush my car off again in the morning. I do have to say... at least the roads weren't icy today. We'll see what they are like in the morning.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Do You Think They Do This At Home?
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Things to do...
Friday, March 09, 2007
Friday's Feast
to get a regular post up soon.
What is your usual bedtime? Do you like that, or would you rather it be
I try to be in bed by 10:30, but rarely am I asleep before 11:30, although
lately it has been 1am or later. Not a good thing. I really should be
asleep by 10:30.
When it comes to advice, do you give more or receive more?
I give more.
Describe a memorable meal you've had.
That would have to be the dinner I had the night of my Junior prom. Most
people would cringe at this, but I had a candlelit dinner with my boyfriend,
which was prepared by my grandmother (my whole family, and his mother, were
in the house at the time too). It was really special.
Main Course
Name a work of fiction that affected the way you think about something.
I don't do a lot of thinking and analyzing when I read. Nothing really
stands out in my mind.
What is your favorite type of fruit juice?
I regularly drink apple juice, but I really like pear juice and Mango.
Friday, February 23, 2007

So what I thought would not be happening... is actually happening!!! I am so excited. I got a steal on a Hawaiian islands cruise in addition to the steal on airfare to Honolulu!!! I leave for Honolulu on April 28th and after 7 nights cruising around the Hawaiian islands, I will be back home on May 7th! I can't believe it! My travel agent was even in awe at the prices I found.