The place where my life in the real world collides with my dreams.
And this is what the "experts" are telling us. More snow....
Well, Thanksgiving went okay... My cousin was there along with her
boyfriend. Turns out she is 7 months along already. Thursday was
uncomfortable with her and J there. On Friday we all were back at the
grandparents for leftovers and she was there without J. Much better and
laid back. After we ate, we were all sitting there and talking. A started
talking about how she and J had discussed adoption for the baby. I just sat
there and listened. You can tell that she is not sure if that is what path
she wants to take with this baby, and J obviously is leaning toward that.
Today I was talking to my friend about it and she asked if they had
considered a family adoption... meaning me. I have thought about it a bit.
But there are a few things to consider. First the baby is only 2 months
away and that is not much time to prepare, second, I don't know how
receptive she would be to me adopting the baby (we were not on the best of
terms the last time we talked), and third, I would be very concerned that
she and J would change their minds and I would lose the baby to them. I
don't know if I could handle that. But I can't stop thinking about it!! I
don't know if I should put out feelers to other family members (her mom and
dad or our grandparents) to see what their take is on it, or if I should
just step back away from it and hope that they make the right decision and
place the baby with a family and leave it at that. I don't know....
I just played this game that I got from another blog, and I thought I would
see what it gave me. Try it out.... it will have you laughing too. Here is
what you do:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that�s playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don�t lie and try to pretend you�re cool�
Opening Credits: Didn't You Know How Much I Loved You - Kellie Pickler
Waking Up: When Love Comes Down - Point of Grace (oops... I have Christmas
songs in here too)
First Day At School: The Lady Is a Tramp - Frank Sinatra
Falling In Love: So Says I - The Shins
Fight Song: Just a Kiss - Steve Holy
Breaking Up: Ol' 55 - The Eagles
Prom: You Rescued Me - Jamie O'Neal
Life: Whenever You Remember - Carrie Underwood
Mental Breakdown: To Be With You - Jamie O'Neal
Driving: Under the Weather - KT Tunstall
Flashback: Nice N Easy - Frank Sinatra
Getting Back Together: The Hunger - Steve Holy
Wedding: Where I Began - Caedmon's Call
Birth of Child: Hearts In Celestial Union - Gandalf (came on the computer,
it's a little strange)
Final Battle: Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood
Death Scene: (There's Gotta Be) More to Life - Stacie Orrico
Funeral Song: If I Was Jesus - Toby Keith
End Credits: One Day Closer to You - Carolyn Dawn Johnson
To be honest, I was a bit disappointed in this. I was hoping more of them
would be more fit for what part of my "life" they were associated. I wonder
what it would come out if I tried it one more time.....
Opening Credits: You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone - Brooks and Dunn
Waking Up: I Just Can't Live a Lie - Carrie Underwood
First Day At School: Talk to Me - Lee Ann Womack
Falling In Love: When You Get To Me - Lee Ann Womack
Fight Song: (I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons - Nat King Cole
Breaking Up: Something Worth Leaving Behind - Lee Ann Womack
Prom: You're Not Alone Tonight - Keith Urban
Life: Good Together (Bucket and Chicken) - SheDAISY
Mental Breakdown: Song For Dad - Keith Urban
Driving: She's My Kind of Rain - Tim McGraw
Flashback: Take It Easy - The Eagles
Getting Back Together: Sweet - Toby Keith
Wedding: The Next Time You Go - Eugene Edwards
Birth of Child: I've Got the World on a String - Frank Sinatra
Final Battle: Lie To Me - Pushmonkey (not my kind of music, came on the
Death Scene: When We Are One - Gabriel Mann
Funeral Song: Is That a Tear - Tracy Lawrence
End Credits: Where We Belong - Jamie O'Neal
Okay, so it wasn't much better the second time around. Maybe it will work
better for others.
I love these things where you get to answer questions about yourself. As
cheesy as they may seem, I think some of them can really make people think
about things and you could really learn something about yourself with them.
So here I go with another one.
1) What side of the heart do you draw first? Right
2) Can you dive without plugging your nose? Nope.
3) What color is your razor? Blue
4) What is your blood-type? B (don't know whether it's positive or negative)
5) Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours? I don't think I could take
24 hours tied to anyone. I am really anal about my "personal space"
6) What is a rumor someone has spread about you? I don't know that I have
ever heard one.
7) How do you feel about carrots? I will eat them raw (cooked ones are
8) How many chairs at the dining room table? 4, although the dining room
table is only used for craft projects or wrapping gifts.
9) Which is the best spice girl? Don't even remember all their names.
10) Do you know what time it is? Bedtime
11) Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince song? Well this is a story
all about how my life got flipped turned upside down...
12) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator? If I was by myself
or just a couple people I already knew, I would be okay, otherwise I might
freak out.
13) Whats your favorite kind of gum? I like all kinds. I do really like
watermelon though.
14)T or F: Alls fair in love and war. False
15) Do you have a crush on anyone? Someone at work, but in case anyone I
work with were to stumble across this, I am not going to name names. There
was this guy who I used to work with who I was absolutley crazy about and
one of my co-workers found out about it and sunk her nails into him. That
co-worker is a whole other post in and of itself and maybe I will take the
time to put that down here sometime.
16) Do you know how to use some words correctly, but not know the meaning?
If I don't know what it means, I don't use it.
17) Do you like to sleep? I LOVE to sleep!
18) Do you know which US states don't use Daylight Savings? Arizona, and
Indiana (don't know if there are any others)
19) Do you know the song Total Eclipse of the Heart? A little before my
20) Do you want a bright yellow 06 mustang? That would be fun. I like the
new retro design and yellow is my favorite color.
21) What's something you've always wanted? A child.
22) Do you have hairy legs? It's winter, do you really think I would waste
my time on shaving my legs when no one sees them except me?
24) Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake? Neither. Lakes give me
the eebie jeebies, and I have a seriously irrational fear of sharks.
25) Do you wear a lot of black? I think I wear a moderate amount.
26) Describe your hair. Just above my shoulders and drives me crazy because
it flys in my face.
27) Do you have Entomophobia? Do I have WHAT!? (see question 16)
28) Are you an adult? I at least pretend that I am
29) Where are your best friends? Florida, about 2000 miles away from me,
not close enough.
30) Do you have a tan? I never have a tan.
31) Are you a television addict? My name is R and I am a tvholic.
32) Do you enjoy spending time with your mother? I better, I am going to be
on a cruise ship with her in the same room for a week.
33) Are you a sugar freak? Yep
34) Do you like orange juice? I like it although I don't drink it a lot. I
am partial to apple juice.
35) What sign are you? Capricorn
36) What color is your Cell Phone? Black
37) Where do you wish you were right now? Paris
Are You:
1. A Cuddler? Yes
2. A Morning Person? Not in this lifetime.
3. A Perfectionist? Only in some areas of life. For the most part, I am
very disorganized.
4. An Only Child? Yes
5. Catholic? No
6. In Your PJs? Yes
7. Currently Suffering from a Broken Heart? It has finally healed.
8. Okay Styling Other Peoples Hair? I can french braid... does that count?
9. Left Handed? The only thing I can do with my left hand is eat.
10. Addicted to MySpace? I just go on there to keep up with a few friends
from college... maybe 1-2 a month.
11. Shy Around the Opposite Sex? Before I get to know them... although I am
like that around all people.
12. Loud? Not really
Do You:
1. Bite Your Nails? When I am nervous/stressed
2. Get Paranoid at Times? Not really
3. Currently regret something you have said/done? Not that I can think of
4. Curse Frequently When You Get Mad? Only when I am REALLY mad.
5. Enjoy Country Music? Yes
6. Enjoy Smoothies? Yes
7. Enjoy Talking on the Phone? Yes
8. Have a Lot to Learn? There is a whole world of information out there
that I have to learn.
9. Have a pet? I have 2 dogs, border collies Sadie and Anna
10. Have a Tendency to Fall for the "Wrong" Person? I have only fallen for
one... don't know that I would say he was the "wrong" person, but he was
obviously not the one I was supposed to be with.
11. Have all Your Grandparents Died? None of them.
Have You:
1. Been Told you Are Smart? Yes
2. Had a Broken Bone? Yes, my arm/elbow
3. Changed a Diaper? Many
4. Changed a Lot Over the Last Year? Not really
5. Had Friends Who Have Never Seen Your Real Hair Color? No
6. Had Surgery? On my broken arm/elbow
7. Killed Anyone? If I did do you really think I would admit it.
8. Had Your Hair Cut in the Last Week? No
Last Person Who:
1. Saw You Cry: My mom, I was feeling really down
2. Went to the Movies With You: My mom and dad, don't remember what we went
and saw though.
3. You Went to the Mall With: My mom
4. You Went to Dinner With: My mom... I am seeing a pattern here.
5. You Talked to on the Phone: If you don't count the quick call to my mom
after work today, it was my friend BJ in Florida.
6. Said "I Love You" to and Meant It: Just my family members and close
7. Made You Laugh: My uncle sent me a really funny email.
Would You Rather:
1. Pierce your nose or tongue? Nose
2. Be serious or be funny? Funny
3. Drink whole or skim milk? Whole
4. Die in a fire or drown? Neither really.. but if I had to choose, fire.
5. Spend time with your parents or enemies? Parents
About You:
1. What Time is it? 10:59 pm
2. Name? R (leary about putting my real name on here for all to see)
3. Nicknames? None (that I am willing to put out there)
4. Where were you born? Denver, CO
5. What is your birthdate? January 7
6. What do you want? A family to raise.
7. Where do you want to live? I would like to live in a small close knit
town (think Stars Hollow on Gilmore Girls)
8. How many kids do you want? I always said that I would like a couple of
my own and then adopt but right now at this point in my life, having my own
children isn't such a priority, there are too many children out there in the
world who need a loving family.
It was great to see him and to talk to him. At the end of the night, we were saying our goodbyes and he invited me to come visit in South Africa sometime. I am actually very excited about the idea. It would be neat to travel to a different country and know someone who lives there. So for now, I am dreaming of traveling to South Africa....